Gordon Art Exhibition Logo

About Gordon Art Exhbition

The Gordon Art Exhibition Committee

Chair – Jim Hatter

Treasurer – Murray Matthew

Minutes Secretary – Jane McMillan

Webmaster – Rae Osborne

Exhibition Staff Organiser – Sheena Farquhar

Schools Liaison – Jim Hatter, Jane McMillan

Exhibition Entries – Rae Osborne

Art Group Liaison – Sheena Farquhar

Fund Application Manager – Murray Matthew

Gordon Art Exhibition Constitution

To view the full constitution of the Gordon Art Exhibition, please click this link – Constitution

Gordon Art Exhibition 2019 AGM Reports

Thank you to all who attended the 2019 AGM. Committee Reports can be read by selecting the relevant link below:

Chair’s Report

Chair’s Thank You

AGM Report – Jane McMillan

AGM Report – Sheena Farquhar

AGM Report – Rae Osborne